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G. Dimitrov on a Phone Call from Stalin

January 10, 1945 Notes of G. Dimitrov on a Phone Call from Stalin

Stalin called me: Yesterday I received a Yugoslav delegation. The Yugoslavs told me that they have proposed to the Bulgarians Bulgaria to enter Yugoslavia with the same rights as Serbia and Croatia. The Bulgarians did not agree to that and insisted that a Bulgarian-Yugoslav confederation with equal rights is established. I told them that the Bulgarians are right, not the Yugoslavs. It is possible to create a dual state, similar to former Austria-Hungary.

Otherwise if Bulgaria joins Yugoslavia, Bulgaria will disappear ... The Yugoslavs have no experience while the Bulgarians are much more experienced.

I have advised not to start the struggle in Greece. The people of ELAS shouldn't have left Papandreu's government. Obviously they hoped that the Red Army would go down to Aegean Sea... We cannot send our troops to Greece. The Greeks have made a foolish step.

The Yugoslavs want to take over Greek Macedonia. They want also Albania and even parts of Hungary. This is unreasonable. I don't like their attitude.

As far as Kolarov's[1] departure to Bulgaria, I am afraid that his arrival may alienate the agrarians and the others and would generate rumors about the sovietization of Bulgaria…

[1] Vassil Kolarov one of the leaders of the Bulgarian Communists. Secretary General of Comintern (1922- 1924), Chairman of the Bulgarian Commission to Comintern. On May 22, 1945 in a letter to Stalin insists once again  to be allowed to return to his homeland. In a letter to his wife from Op.gust 18, 1945 he writes: "My return is finally decided, but it will be after the parliamentary elections. The motifs for this are obvious. This is the price of loyalty towards the Allies and I do it in order to prevent any premises for rumors that Moscow wants to exert pressure on the elections. That is why the restoration of the diplomatic relations between our two countries was postponed…" (Personal Archives of Kolarov family) After returning to Bulgaria, Kolarov is elected a Chairman of the Bulgarian Parliament, President of the Republic (1946-1947), Minister of Foreign Affairs (1947-1949), Prime Minister (July 1949

- January 1950).
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