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Letter, Dimitrov to Molotov, 'The Situation in the People's Party of Iran

to Cde. V. M. MOLOTOV

I am sending you:

1.  A report, "The situation in the People's Party of Iran", which we received from our Iranian correspondent Cde. Malyshev.

2.   A report of the CC of the People's Party of Iran.

I am also sending this material to Cde. Dekanozov. [signature]
G.  DIMITROV 18 March 1944  Attachment:
1.  The situation in the People's Party

2.   A report of the CC of the People's Party of Iran. [not included]


[handwritten in the lower left-hand corner of the title page: "Reported to
V.  M. Molotov 25 March 1944"]


After the death of Suleiman Mirza it was decided not to elect a Party chairman, and all important issues were to be decided by a majority of the CC.

It was decided for now to communicate with the Soviet representatives through Dr. Radmanesh, and three CC members will be selected for this purpose later. Party communications with the Soviet representatives will be of an absolutely official nature as occurs with other democratic parties and leaders.

The merger of the trade unions . The issue of the unification of the two largest trade union centers is drawing to a close. Several meeting have been held between representatives of both trade union centers. The following principles of the merger were agreed upon:

1.  Recognition of the political leadership of the People's Party by the trade unions as the only democratic party of Iran.

2.  The governing body of the new united trade union center is to be formed of four representatives of the leadership of People's Party trade unions, three representatives of the trade unions led by Yusuf Ardebili, and two representatives directly from the People's Party.

3.  Neither Yusuf Ardebili nor Khalil Inkilyab (informational material about these two person was sent previously) will be placed in the governing center of the united trade union center [SIC].

4.   Khalil Inkilyab is beginning an open struggle verbally and in the press against the factional

activity of Yusuf Ardebili, which has led to a weakening of the unity of the workers. The election campaign.
The results of the elections in Tehran have been announced. Not one of the candidates from the People's Party was elected in spite of the fact that the most active campaign of the People's Party was launched in Tehran. The widely-launched election campaign of the People's Party bore its own fruits: the ideas of the People's Party were conveyed to a large number of people, chiefly the workers and craftsmen of Tehran. The political influence of the Party grew considerably as a result of the active election campaign (the effort of the government to gain the support of the People's Party and also the effort to unify workers' organizations might serve as an example of the above).

A campaign against the candidates of the People's Party was waged in many places with every possible dishonest, fraudulent method. For example, a government group sent its own candidate to Gorgan, where Lesani, the People's Party candidate ran. Soheili (the Premier) declared that this new candidate was nominated in [Gorgan] on the recommendation of Soviet representatives.

Shariat-zade, who had given a bribe of 30,000 tumans to Soheili, was elected in Mazanda[r]an. Shariat-zade's brother was expelled from Tehran by the government for participating in a fascist organization.

The opening of the Majlis was postponed to 26 February 1944. The People's Party will not create a separate group in the Majlis. It will try to create a single group of all democratically-minded
deputies against the group of Seyyed Ziaeddin.

The CC has developed a platform of the People's Party's parliamentary demands. It especially stresses peasant demands. I will send the text of the platform arrived later as soon as it has been finally approved.

Speculation about the new makeup of the cabinet .

Soheili's cabinet will have to resign with the opening of the Majlis. They assume that the new government will be formed by Qavam-es-Saltane. Qavam is a big landowner and a reactionary, but his landholdings are in the north, in the province of Gilan, and therefore he is forced to support a pro-Soviet policy in order get the Russians to have a favorable attitude toward him. The British are
against Qavam coming to power; they have Seyyed Ziaeddin as their candidate, but their prospects of pushing through the latter are weak in view of the unpopularity of Seyyed Zia. Thus in these conditions Qavam is viewed as the lesser evil and will be supported by our representative in pursuing these aims. It also speaks in Qavam's favor that this person is firm, decisive, and straightforward, and who keeps his promises.

The People's Party managed to stir up a broad movement of workers and democratic elements of the intelligentsia for the organization of the trial of Mukhtari, the former chief of police; Rasekh and Naruman, former prison wardens; and Ahmedi, a former prison doctor, accused in the murders of a number of political figures in prison such as Doctor Erani, Khan Baba Asad (chief of the Bakhtiari tribe), and Farukhi (a poet and newspaper editor). The public demands the death sentence for the accused.

I am sending the report of the CC of the People's Party. 25 February 1944 MALYSHEV



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HanpfiMHRl Ba.M :
1.   )J;.oror a,n. "IIeJiomeaxe :s Hape.i:t mo                                     napTHH   :Hpa­
Han , II©Ji ylleH HhiilUUUr O'P Ramero HpaHCK©f'O KOppeo­

IIOHJ.t 0HTa T . WINmeBa.
2.    OT"<IeT Wt ·Hapep;aoi napTHM Mpa:aa..
8ToT uarpepKaJI rrooNJifUO Ta.Kme         .neKaaoaosy.


!8 Map'l'a 1944 :r .
lTpH)lO'.!KeHHe : 1. TioJiom eH111e B Hapo.n; Boil rrapTHM .
2. OTtteT D;R Hapo.n; aott: rrapTmM Hpam1.

                                ---                       -···        -·-·--                        ----- "  · -··-·------ · ·--

Tio cne cMepTH Cy.rr e:rh.mHa M:0:panr pemeHo He Mso upaTI> npe
ce;l{ aTeJIJI  napTHM , a Bee B8. KHhfe  Bonpocu pemaTI>  oo.rI I:iIUMECTBOM
0BH3n  napTJi'IJi'I  c CO B. npe C';L'aBHT 0J1.FIMM.  perneHO  o cym;ecT- BJIR.T:& noRa tt epea 'A -pa Pa,u;Ma.aem , a B p;aJI:bHef:l·meM                                           Jiff   TOM n;eJIH 6yP.yT 11:sc5pa1%T 3 qneaa 11;I:t                                                         CBHS:b rrap TMM c COB . rrpe)J;CTa
BHT6JIHMI'1:  oy.n;e T  HOCMT':O  COB epmeHHO  o(pHIJ;liiaJLoH:OIM  XtapaKTep , KW 9TO  HM96T  MeCTO   H  y                                 pyrttx  .n;eM Rp8.THtI$Cl-OfX   rpyrrrr   H  )J;e.rrTe­
Jietl .
O 6 ' e.n;:v.rnafi 11e 1:1I!cmoaoB . Bonpoc- · 06 06 ' enJtrneHVIM 'fl.BYX KpynaeimitIX  rrpo<PcorosFIEIX  u;eHTpoB· rrpm5JIMmaeTCJ-I  R  aaBeprneHm-0 .
.                                               /
Coc TOB:Jioc:&   Hec:KoJ!I>RO BCTpeq npe,rt c TaBMT e.rreM ooovrx npocpcoro a­
H:DIX u;eH1rpoB . )loroBopvrJit1C:& o cne.rr.ywm;Mx rrp YIHD;Hnax O o ' e,rp, He­

HM.A: :

1.    I1p11sH8.H!lf e  rroJIYITMt.IecRoro. pyRoBo  crrBa npo¢coroaaMI.{.

\   )     '

co  e:TopoHH Hapo}'\HON  rrapTMM , I<aR  e) l!lIHC TBeHHOH                                                                                                     
<IecKo11 rr apTKvI Hpaua.
2 . PyRo BO }J;JI!g:v!H  opPaH HOBO PO 00 ' 8](11H8Hff0I'O  rrpocpcOIOB ­
HOI'O LT,8HTpa o opa30BaT:O li3 4 npef!;CTaBU1TC1JI e t pyROBO)J;CTB a
rrpocpco1-0 soB Hapo;n;Ho i 11apT:vrn: , · 3 rrpe,n;riTaBHTeJieM npocpcornsoB ,
pyr<oBo;rp;rnurvrxcB: IOcycpoM Ap,1.\ eoHJIH 1 11 2 IIJ?e.n; crram1J: Te:rr eil 11erroope;n;
3.     B pyK.OBOJVILU:MM t\8HTp ·0 6 ' e.gin.HeHHor o np ocI)co m saoro
IWHTpa Be O YJJ.Y T BBe_l \e Hhl HH IOcytj? Ap.n;e<hm M , HM Xa:rr M Hm<H-
1ur.6    ( cnpaBRM  06 l3 T:V X JIMu;ax  IIO CJIIRHEI par-me) .

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4.     Xarr ru:r lrh1RMJIR6  HatIMHaeT O TRpbITyro  6 op:n 6y yc THO  M  B
ne\!aTir  npO TMB  pacRon:oHMtr ecKOM ,n; eJITeJ!:O HOCT ll  IDcecpa Ap e6:turn:,
- nptr:Sb,ri; Immefi K oc.Ji ao.Ji et-mm e,rpiIHcrr Ba pa6otr wx.
0 6  n a6 :apaTe.JI:o HO'ti KaMIIetH]l[M.
0 6 ' JIBJie.H11  peayn:oTaT:or   B116opoB    TerepaHe.   Ms  KaHµ,11,ri;aTa
·HapO.IJ;HO:      IlapTMM  He  H86paH  HM  onHH , . H6CMO TpJI  Ha  TO , tITO  B
rrer epaae o:oma pa3BY.C Ta  Ha:vr 6onee aKTli'l:B HM paooTa Rapop;HOPT rrapTMH.  llhrpo1m  pa::rnepHyTaR:  w s6 mpaTen:oaa.rr  KatvmaHIIIJI   Hapo,ri;aoi1 rrapTvn1 rrpMHecna cBom rrnop;hJ:  11.n;em: Hapo,n;aoti napTlim ;n;oB e,n;eHr:.t
p;o   orpoMHO!'O  '!MCJia  .rrro,n; eif , I'JI . o opaBOM  paCfo tntX  M  peMeCJieHHH­ KOB  Terepaaa . Ilon:vIT Hqec:Roe BJIHRHHe rrapTmM B  peay.JinTaTe aKTMBHQM BDioopHOM   RaMrramnlJ:   3Hatr:t1T €JibHO    BO spocno . /IIprirMe­ pOM  qero . MOiK8T   CJiyDTJ:i   CTpeMneHM:e;  rrpaBl1T 8JIT:iC TBa  ,n;o 6VlT I:.C.H TIO,JJ;):(8pJKKM tlapo,rprn:Vi rr apTli'I l1 ' a TaRJK 8 CTp8MJ 8Hli-l9 '.K  06 ' e,n;1rne- HIDD pa601111x opl'aH H38.IJ;Id1/ .
Bop:o 6a npo Turn KaHnM;n;ar:t10B  Hapo.n;aoit nap T1?n1 BO  MHOI'MX
. M8C' 'aX rrpoBo,n;:mrac:o BC.fft{8CK11MflI 6 ectieCTHtJIMM J myJII>HMtiec:KMM:H MeTo,n;aMI1. Hanpli'IMep B rapraH '. r.n;e 08JIJIO r.rMpoBaJIC.H RffE- ,D; li!.D;B.T Hap. IIapTTilvI - .Eecatrn npaBm T en:& CTBeHHoti I'pyrr nnpoBMOM 61m rrocmm1 CBOM RaH,Il)'lt ,n;aT . CoxefiJIM ( npeM:s ep) aaJIBlfJI , qrro 8TO T
HOB:OI      I-t8.H,D;t1:1-( aT  BhIC TaBJl8H  B I'a.p:r aHe  ITO  peI<OM8Hp;an;n::m:  COB8T ­

CI{I1X np e.n; CTa·Bli'IBi·JIHM .
B Masatt.n;aTaHe :vr. n6paH lliapMaT 3a,n;e ,l\ aBmMit B 3RTKY Co ­
:>:'.                                                        ....
xeiinM B 30 .000 TyMaH . BpaT Dla1I.J> Ha'r 3aJ.(8 BI:irc.rr aH npaBm:Ten:i:ic T -

Bo.M   MS

T. er epaHa :;m  yqacT:rr e B cparnMcTCKOE  opran11sauyr1iI.

0 TRP1ITlle MemmrnMca    O TJiomeHo  na 26 clleBpaJIJT                                   19tt4  r . Hap .ITapTliUI He 6y.f( eT co s aBaT:o B Me,JJ)KvIJi vrpe OT                                                 en:nHy1-0 cppaTJ;mo. 0Ha 6y,n; eT cTapaTiiCR    co 8,D; aT:n e.n;1n1yro \1paKI Mro Bcex 71e-


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. ... .

MOI<paTID.IeCKM-HaCTp oeHHI:iIX  .n;enyTa.TOl3  ITpOTlilB  rpynn:vrpO BRM

CeHl-( 3HJI 8;n;,r.t:tu1a.
rui: Bbipaoorran rrporpaMMy rrapJiaMeHTCKHX  Tpe6oBaindl Hap.
IlapTMII!. B aef.1 ocooeHHO no,n;qepRHYTLI Kpecrr :& HHCKvr e TP'e6oBa­ BYIJI . Ter<cT nporpaMMN. rrpMIIDilO rros.n;aee, Ka.K TOJinKO OH 6y.n;eT or<onqaTeJibHO yTB epm.n;eH.
IlP8.!:!;llOJI01K 6HM.H   0  HO BO tL CO CTaBe   Rar5 MH8T8..
c O TRphITMeM Me.n;'KlitJIPIGa KaODI HeT CoxeY..nm . ,n;oJrnmH oylf,eT B'.b MT.Li  B OT CT aBKY . 11pe,n;nonaraTOT , 't!TO  HOBO e npaBTtI T8.1 :bCTBO 6y,n;eT  ccpopMHpona'Ho KaBaMOM O c-conTaHa . Ra.BaM - KP,YIIHNI
IIOM6Iftl1B t  peaKrJ;IiIOHep ' HO ero ITOM6CT:&JI aaxo.n;HTCR r1a c eBepe '.

B  rrpoBMHIJ;l-iJi!  rmJIJIH , TI08TOMy OH BNHymeH TIO ,n;,n;epm1rnaT T:>   npo­
COB9TCKJiIW Kypc ' t!TO OEI 1-l;OOJJI TiiCJI xopo mero OTHOIIleH.li!H K ce6e co  cT opoaN pyccR.li!X . AHr1JIW1aae  rrpo TMB  rrpmxo.n;a K  BJiacr w KaBaMa , oHvt  HMeroT  c:so ero KaHp;I1) €t T a C eitI.n;  3ur;r  8;n;.n;MRa , ao  H
.u; ( :rt,D;H  rrpoBeCT:H no CJI8.l( Hero Otf 8Hli CJiaou BBv.t).l;y  Henorr yJLripHOCTlii
. C e:tir,n;  3MJL  1raKil!M  o opaaoM R rnaM B  ,n;aI-IHUX  ycJIO BVI.fIX  paccMaTpH­
BaeTC.H  KBR   M8H:Olll88   3JIO   lii  B   9 'I'liX  D;BJI.f'I oy,n;eT  TIO )'.J;nElp.iKMBaT:&Cfi
I                                                   HaIIlMM rrp e,n;cTaB:tir TeJieM.    B rIO JLEi SYl{aBaMa ro BopMT Tm<:me  M                                                         TO '
.P.                                                     ..

Ll: TO  9 TO  Ll:9JTOB eK  TBep.n;H.vr ' peIIIli'IT8Jt:& HhIYI  np!!MOJIHFI

B:b!TIOJI H.flt-OUJ,Mll  CBO II  o6etnaHJiU " .

Hlli ,

Hapop;Ho11 ITapTMH y;ri; a11ocn no HHTii umpoKo e J(BI·ne.:enM:e

paoOLlIJI X    l.i1    ,n;eMORpaTlfqeoK11X    8JI8M8HTOB    HH'J.a Jt.7M rer-n Mlit    sa   opra­ HM8an;m npou;ecca  Ha;n;   Myxrrap:rn:   - o . ma-q .  IlOJI MJJ;IiHI ,  6 .Hf!t't!ruI'.b HllI­ aMii!  TFOp:& w Pacex  "VI   HapyMaHoM , a  TB.H'.m:e   TropeMHBTM  .n;oKTopoM AxMe;i:p11 , ooBMHa:eM11  yomftc111Be    Trop:oM e  pH.n;a   rro111F.r Mtrecr<rrx
,qe.a:rr en        r.taR ;n;owrop BpaHM , XaH Baoa A ca,n; (Bom;rr& nne1JeHM
oaxT11apO:ri ) 1<IiapyxH ( no 8T m p    aKTop ra3eTDI) . O omec TBeHnoc 1r:i:,

TpeoyeT CMepTHOH K83HPI: OG BVf HHeMb!M.

Ilocw;aro 0Ti:1eT  UR Hapo,rtHOf.i IIapTmM .
25.Il .44 I'.            
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