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Stalin on democracy and democratic struggle

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"You must unite the working class and the other working strata on the basis of a minimal programme, and later there will be time for maximal program. Peasants consider the worker’s party as alien, but they will look at labor party as their own. I strongly recommend that you do that. A labor party or worker-peasant party is very suitable for a country like Bulgaria from the point of view of the country’s international position, that would only make your tasks easier for you. In character the party will be communist, but it will have a broader basis and a convenient mask for the present period. “Stalin, The Diaries of Dimitrov, September 2, 1946

Stalin, The Advanced Proletariat and the Fifth Party Congress, 1907
Stalin, Muddle..., April 10, 1907 
Stalin, Outcome of the Moscow Conference, August 17, 1917 
Stalin, The Conspiracy Continues, August 28, 1917 
Stalin, The Second Wave, September 9, 1917 
Stalin, Anarchism or Socialism? Dialectic Materialism
Stalin, Marxism vs Liberalism
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